A Note on the Brinkerhoff Humanitarian Fund
Many years later our family came to know Tod Brinkerhoff, a thoroughbred trainer with modest means but a love and a dedication to his profession and the horses that provided him with his livelihood. He and Grandpa Jones became quick friends. They both loved the horses and the camaraderie of the characters at the track, especially the jockeys, trainers, stablehands, and owners. They shared their victories and defeats and forged a real friendship. Unfortunately for Grandpa Jones, Tod shared most of the victories and Grandpa Jones shared most of the defeats.
A couple of years ago, doctors diagnosed Tod with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Tod was naturally devastated, but he managed to keep a smile on his face. Over time his condition deteriorated. He couldn’t move his muscles the way he wanted and his speech became impaired. He struggled mightily but he kept going to the track and working with his horses. He needed the track, but, more importantly, the track needed him. Tod was a shining light and a real competitor.
Sadly Tod Brinkerhoff passed away earlier this year due to complications with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. His lasting legacy will be one of determination and an uncommon bond with the men and women of the racing community. He will be missed.
It is in Tod’s memory that Grandpa Jones, Tod’s family, and the entire racing community have established the Brinkerhoff Humanitarian Fund. The fund will aid young men and women in the racing community, who possess Tod’s spirit and will, to pursue their dreams.
Information on the Brinkerhoff Humanitarian Fund and ways to contribute can be found by contacting:
L. Corry Jones
or clicking here.