Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Note on Children's Television

Between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 12:30 P.M. I have to wrestle the remote away from my littlest one. Well, rather than fight that battle every day, I succomb to the peer pressure exerted by the two-year-old and I watch her programs with her. Keep in mind that she reads and plays and all that good stuff, but I still find plenty of time to watch T.V. with her. That being said, I have become quite a critic of the shows. So in an effort to provide quality content on my blog that all aspiring fathers can use, I will now review a few of the kiddie shows--WilkeWorld-style.

DORA THE EXPLORER--In my house, Dora is the reigning queen of the boob tube. I kind of dig her, too. With Boots the Monkey and Swiper the Fox, Dora creates high drama and excitement for the little ones. I, too, have to say that Dora rocks. I could do without the little belly shirt, but if I have to watch kiddie T.V., then Dora is a good one to watch. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being slit my throat and 10 being "could be worse", Dora is a 10.

THE WIGGLES--Dads, don't get sucked into watching this one. The little ones kind of like it because everyone is dancing and wiggling, but it is pure torture for the rest of us. If the characters had better costumes I might not be so offended, but Dorothy the Dinosaur is more like a hippo on crack. The Wiggles are a 1.

STANLEY--Stanley rocks, but for some reason my little one just doesn't get into it that much. I like it because it is so informative, even for adults. Plus, the dog and the cat are always teasing the goldfish with their singing. Stanley would get a 10-plus if the kid liked it more, so I'll give it an 8.

PB & J OTTER--Again an example of really clever programming for little kids. For adults, I find the Noodle Dance quite entertaining. The Otters get a solid 7.

BARNEY--Oh, yes, the great big purple beast is still out there and the littlest kids still love him. As for the adults, Barney is a bit of a boredom inducer. The worst thing is the annoying voice that sends me over the edge. Much has been said of Barney, but I'll give him a 3.

DRAGON TAILS--This PBS show is a real solid program. Ord, the oafish dragon, is the star in this one and the lessons that they learn are easy to understand and easy to follow for little ones. The Dragons merit a strong 9, but my wife says it barely gets a 6.

CAILLOU--Pure torture. If I had a kid like him, I would shoot myself. Worse than the Wiggles.


Blogger Erica Hanks said...

We have banned The Wiggles from our house. We think they're seizure inducing!

9:18 AM  
Blogger Whacky Wheelers said...

BACKYARDIGANS! Maybe because it's newer, but I love the adventures and the songs!

Just don't let them see BOOBAH's or DOODLEBOPS -- I would rather take Caillou whining!!

11:02 AM  
Blogger Organic Gardening Girl Gardens said...

What about Blue's Clues? I can't stand Joe, but Steve rocks. That Higglytown Heroes theme song sticks in the mind, too, and not in a good way. That show is so saccharine sickening sweet!

9:35 PM  

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