Well, not three kings, but one really. Me. The legend goes that three kings (or Magi) travelled from afar bearing gifts. Well, as the holiday season arrives, I thought it might be a little fun for me to show up here bearing gifts. So here it is folks, the cybergifts you have all been waiting for.
First and foremost, to the citizens of WilkeWorld who have been here through good and mostly bad, I offer up this present. The long-awaited photo of the King in the Manatee T-Shirt (see above).
You'll all notice that I cut off the picture right at my attractive midrift. I do have some common sense.
Now on to the other gifts.
Indigo, I offer up this little
Janie, I'd like to offer up this little
treat. I hope you will enjoy.
To the Wizard, I'd really like to offer this tiny
morsel. Good luck with the bet. I'll be over later for the weigh-in.
Anita who is contemplating retirement, I thought
this might be appropriate.
Wendopolis, I thought something like
this might make your day. You have to read awhile to get the gist of the article, but Wendopolis will understand.
To the Evil Genius, aka The Bro-in-Law, I present
this. Just thinking of you, Bro.
To dear
Lucy Stern, I thought perhaps
this would remind you of Pagosa.
Jo, perhaps
this will be the thing that'll change your mind. Then again, maybe not...?
John Cowart, I think he will be needing
this for his next little party, since he is the funkiest blogger around. Congrats, John.
Marie, I thought you might be wanting
DaybyDay, I offer
this little gem. I thought you might find it interesting and fun.
To Jensen, Faye, Shaleen, Ribbiticus, Cybervassals, Travis, Ivoryfrog, MissMeliss, Colleen, Mimi, Kmsqrd, Michele, and all of the rest of you, I wish you the best holiday greetings I can. And a special thanks and a shout out goes to
Silver and his whole family. Along with Travis, who has fallen off the edge of the earth, they have been there since the beginning and I appreciate it. To all of you I offer
Oh and to the wife, I offer up
this. Luv ya hon.
Happy Holidays to you all.
The King