A Memory of Being First Married
Don't know why, but I wanted to talk about being married today. I know it has its ups and downs for a lot of people and I am really sensitive to that fact, but when you really love someone and think the world of them, marriage is the best thing ever.
My dear sweet wife and I are going to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary later this summer and this week we purchased our tickets to go to Puerto Vallarta to celebrate (we were going to Puerto Rico, but the flights got too expensive all of a sudden). I am so stoked. No children. No work. No Wizard calling at 7 A.M. It is going to be so awesome.
The wife and I did the long distance thing before we got married and then we met up the day before the wedding, got married and then went on a big trip to Tahiti for the honeymoon, so these anniversary trips are a big thing for us.
So why the picture? I don't know. The wife took this picture just after we got back from the honeymoon and we were out at Antelope Island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake and I just think its a cool picture of me (not many pictures of me are very good, so I make the most of the good ones) and it reminds me of that excitement of getting married and sharing life with someone you care about.
So now that you are all bored, I'll shut up. Just thinking about my wife tonight and how lucky I am to be with her. Carry on, citizens!