Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Note on Floam

Here are a few random stories from the minds and actions of Touchdown and Lil Indy.

The other day Touchdown came into The Wife's office to hear her lamenting that she was in trouble 'cause she had to get an e-mail out before the end of the day. She felt bad for her mother and went out depressed. A few minutes later she came back in with a wide grin.

"Momma," she said, "you're so lucky."

"Why is that, Touchdown?"

"'Cause when you're in trouble, State Farm is there."

This revelation came on the heels of a complete meltdown earlier in the week. Touchdown just lost it. She came in to The Wife's office with "crying drips" flying in every direction and could not be consoled. Finally the Wife got her calmed down enough to find out the cause of the consternation.

"Momma, its just not fair. It's not fair! Why do you have to be 18 to buy floam?!?"

The last story comes from the mouth of Lil Indy. Yesterday, while riding home from lunch at Mickey D's, Lil Indy sunk back into his carseat and delivered an astute declaration.


"Yeah, bud."

"Daddy, I'm tired of the ladybugs."

Ummmmmm, who isn't?


Blogger Lucy Stern said...

State Farm is there for us too.

2:43 AM  
Blogger Marie said...

For real? Too cute. What the heck is floam? I need to read the package one of these days.

8:31 AM  

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