Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Note on Chocolate and Fire

Some interesting happenings here at the castle and out and around in the hinterlands.

The Teenager has been howling recently that she neeeeeeeds chocolate. I think it is a woman thing but...whatever! Anyway, little Touchdown has been overhearing these constant nagging moanings and groanings and decided to take matters into her own hands. She decided she would make some chocolate for her sister. We, of course, thought she was going to use her imagination and come up with some pretend chocolate, but, alas, we were oh-so-wrong.

Yeah, she sneaked into the pantry and found some Teddy Grahams and managed to sneak away with a small handful. She then slyly placed them onto the table next to her crayons. She proceeded to grab a chocolate brown crayon and color the Teddy Grahams a wonderful chocolate color. It actually looked pretty appetizing despite the fact it had to taste like toxic dirt. She was so proud of her accomplishment that she wanted her sister to try them. The Teenager wasn't really up to going along with the charade so we had to burst little Touchdown's bubble. She wasn't too upset, but she was quite disturbed when we told her she couldn't eat them, either. That was okay, too, but she wanted them back so she could "wash" the crayons off and eat them. I almost let her try it.

Later that day, the Wife and I and the kids went out to dinner at a local hamburger joint called "Larson's Frostop". Everything was going along swell when I looked out the window and saw that the median of the main road in St. George was on fire. The city had just renovated St. George Boulevard and created medians and filled the medians with wood chips until the landscaping was ready to begin. So it wasn't a raging fire but rather a tiny smoldering fire caused by an errant cigarette. Still, I saw the fire and didn't want it to spread. I, however, was the only person that noticed the fire or cared that it was burning so I must have looked like an idiot as I walked out to the median in my cargo shorts and open-toed sandals and started jumping up and down trying to put out the fire.

Add to the scene the fact that I can hardly walk due to two quarter-sized blisters on each heel and I must have been quite a sight. Note to self: Do not try to put out fire with sandals on. Fire will burn rubber soles and burn toe hair. After discovering this, I hobbled over to the Chinese Restaurant closest to the fire and asked them for some water to put out the fire. "Wha happen?" said the Chinese guy as he looked out the window to the road. "I don't see nuttin."

"The median is on fire," I yelled.



By this time the patrons of the restaurant are beginning to realize what is happening but the Chinese guy is not. Eventually he got me some water and I put out the fire. I am really a hero, but probably only in my own mind.

The Wife and the kids were only embarrassed.+


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Indiana Jones puts out fires too! This is the stuff movies are made of! I love how thoughtful your daughter is. What a wonderful act of kindness. A great memory.

12:10 AM  
Blogger John Cowart said...

Life is tough on Heros. Indiana Jones, your fellow archaeologist, was misunderstood too. You're in good company.

6:20 AM  
Blogger Jedora Rules said...

If only you had lived in San Francisco back in the day. You would have saved a lot of destruction. Or was it Chicago? Congrats. I am surprised you didn't submit something to the local paper.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be the poster boy for Smokey the Bear, Your community service should be honored. I am so impressed with the creative attitude that touchdown has in coming up with her solution to the chocolate craving.

5:44 AM  
Blogger Marie said...

I wish I had seen that!! (the fire stomp)

Oh boy... a house full of estrogen... you're in for a treat! ;-)

4:30 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I would have paid to see you jumping up and down in your cargo shorts and sandals in the median. LOL!

Touchdown is something else, I've never heard of a kid coloring their teddy grahams.... where does she get this from?

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coloring teddy grahams is pretty creative, really. Points for that.

And, really, everyone should be a hero in their own mind - it's good for the self esteem, and all.

Hope you're well. haven't been here in too long.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Le laquet said...

It's a bit like the day my father rowed out in our dinghy from the beach to rescue some child's* beach ball .... and had to be rescued by the lifeguards!

Wife and kids only embarrassed :o)

* no idea who!?!

10:12 PM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

King O King, what an example you set for your kingdom. You couldn't find a garden hose? Oh well, enough said here.

Touchdown has such a sweet spirit. I hope you drove down to the grocery store and bought a Hershey's chocolate bar for the teenager. They really don't cost that much, I'll bet even the king can afford one. I like the ones with the almonds in them....Yummmm

12:36 PM  

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