Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Note on Comings and Goings

And so it begins...

Today marks the first day of Touchdown's formal schooling. She is off to preschool this morning and we are all holding our collective breaths. Its not that we really think anything bad will occur, its just that we don't know what will come out of her mouth in a given day. I am scared she will tell everyone about the bugs in her hair (they are all gone now, but...). The Wife should be scared that her disciplinary practices will be revealed for the whole world. I can just hear Touchdown saying, "My mama puts me in time out for hours and hours." It is really only four minutes, but...

I work with the husband of the preschool teacher, so I have already warned the teacher that Touchdown is a loose cannon capable of nearly anything, but I wonder if she has any real idea. Just a couple of days ago, Touchdown found another sequine on the ground and has been carrying it around like its her best friend. Go figure.

So my fingers have been cemented in a crossed position for the last week and we are hoping for the best.


Blogger Hot Mom said...

Well fans, we made it through the first day. She informed me that she likes it a lot, and she did everything Miss Debbie told her to, including pick up toys, and sit on the rug, and I quote "I was very very good at school today, I think I deserve a treat." If only Teenager were having as much fun at school. I think I actually will take the Teenager out for a treat after school.

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck to Touchdown on her first day of school! How exciting. I wish my kids would entertain themselves with a sequin! How wonderful!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I am proud of Touchdown being so good on her first day of school. Maybe she will find a sequine for all the students in her class and they can all have secret friends. I hope "Miss Debbie" will be an inspiration for Touchdown.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Touchdown and Teenager, Grandpa and Grandma Jones wish you all the very best. The Wife, what, you need an excuse to go get a diet coke, hummmmmm. You don't dare take touchdown with you, because you know it will end up at pre-school as some kind of forum.....

8:32 AM  
Blogger Le laquet said...

Ah bless her! Was it fab?

12:39 PM  
Blogger Le laquet said...

oooops! Just read the wife's entry ~ so very glad she enjoyed :o)

12:40 PM  

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