A Note on the White House
Overheard while on the White House tour.
Naive American Tourist (pointing at a presidential portrait): "Excuse me, Mr. Secret Service Guy, whose portrait is that in the corner over there?"
Secret Service Guy (in very serious tone): "Sir, that is the presidential portrait of President Harrison Ford."
Naive American Tourist (nodding his head): "President Harrison Ford. Thanks so much. Honey, the guy said it is President Harrison Ford. I knew it."
The King looks over at Secret Service Guy to see wry, little smile creep onto his face.
The King (with admiration): "Nice one."
Secret Service Guy: "Thanks."
It's nice to know there is some levity in the White House.
Naive American Tourist (pointing at a presidential portrait): "Excuse me, Mr. Secret Service Guy, whose portrait is that in the corner over there?"
Secret Service Guy (in very serious tone): "Sir, that is the presidential portrait of President Harrison Ford."
Naive American Tourist (nodding his head): "President Harrison Ford. Thanks so much. Honey, the guy said it is President Harrison Ford. I knew it."
The King looks over at Secret Service Guy to see wry, little smile creep onto his face.
The King (with admiration): "Nice one."
Secret Service Guy: "Thanks."
It's nice to know there is some levity in the White House.
Excellent! I thought the secret service were like the guards at Buckingham Palace. Good to hear they're not!!
Lol! Very funny :o)
Who's picture was it?
I didn't get a good look at it, but I think the guard eventually told the guy it was Harry S. Truman. It wasn't a really good portrait, however, although looking like Harrison Ford can't have been all that bad.
That is hilarious! Does Harrison Ford know his portrait is in the White House?
It took me some time, to get the point of your blog. I didn't get the fact that Harrison Ford was not a president. With the character roles he plays, I assumed that he was........bring the grand kids over......since you are not very good at canasta anymore I want to play with the kids instead. The King actually got mad at the wife the other night, in what the king thought was a dumb move in canasta. Let me remind the king that he gave up the pile to his mother on several occasions. That is why we won.....
Ha-ha-ha. I need to read more carefully. When I first read this post I thought you had written "NATIVE American Tourist." When I finished I thought, what was the point of mentioning his ethnicity? Then I re-read and noticed it said NAIVE. DUH! What a great story though.
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