Friday, May 19, 2006

A Memory of Summer Trips

As a child, I had the distinct privilege of driving around the country on various occasions with my family on family trips. The Wizard always went to a big convention every year and we went with him. In a family with five children, the trips were always an opportunity to beat on each other and ultimately to bond with each other. Here are a few of the highlights we enjoyed over the years.

1. Racing armadillos in San Angelo, Texas.
2. Playing "Rocks" or "Spoons" in Omaha, Nebraska and falling into the swimming pool to secure the victory.
3. Hitting golf balls over the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park, Montana.
4. Body surfing in the Atlantic Ocean in Saint Augustine, Florida.
5. Cruising the Saint John River outside Palatka, Florida and spotting alligators and water moccasins.
6. Drinking ice cold water in Wall, South Dakota.
7. Seeing the bats fly out of Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico.
8. Calling "Shotgun" coming out of every fast food place we ever exited.
9. Playing penny poker in Lethbridge, Canada.
10. Eating cut carrots every single day as a "healthy snack" on the road.

I hope my children have as many great memories as I have had.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog! I love it!

10:39 AM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I think we all have wonderful memories of our road trips. Some of them weren't too much fun but they were memorable. One year we were going to the Grand Canyon. We driving to see the Metior Crater and my son decided to get a 24 hour stomach virus. He threw up more than any child I have ever seen. That was interesting....Yuk! One year we learned every word to the music from Beauty and the Beast.

7:34 AM  

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