Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Note on Wizardry

Well, I am still taking nominations but after consulting with the queen and recieving counsel from the Wizard who is sounding a lot like Dumbledore without the ledore, I have a few appointments to announce.

I hereby announce the appointment of Indigo as the Official Secretary of Defense. She has shown herself to be imminently qualified to defend the kingdom and dealt with the Evil Genius threat quite handily. We honor her willingness to serve and urge her to begin dispensing the rubber bands.

I hereby announce the appointment of Travis to be the Prime Minister. Of course, he has ambitions well above what we can offer here in WilkeWorld, but we are happy to have him include us on his resume. First order of business, draft us a constitution with lots of freedoms.

I hereby announce the appointment of kmsqrd as Minority Whip. I fear she is too excited about this appointment but anyone who can successfully deduce the need to stay far away from the Evil Genius deserves the accolades we can laud upon her.

I hereby announce the appointment of Better Safe Than Sorry as Royal Gardener under the conditions that she allow any one of the citizens to rest in her big yellow chair.

I hereby announce the appointment of Shaleen as Sea Cow Caretaker. We feel this is one of the more important appointments here in WilkeWorld and we suggest she don her hip boots and get to work. First order of business, she must name the sea cow. Suggestions include Doppelganger and Wonder, but she may choose all by her lonesome. Good luck, Shaleen.

I hereby announce the appointment of Marie as Secretary of Education with her first order of business being to help the Wizard with his grammar. Well, Marie, you should be plenty busy.

I hereby announce the appointment of MissMeliss as the WilkeWorld Poet Laureate. I mean, give me a break, how can you turn down the appointment of someone who writes a poem for your blog. MissMeliss, I am duly impressed and suggest your next opus be the Fall of the Evil Genius.

I hereby announce the appointment of Jo at Chez Le Laquet as Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food and give her complete control over the WilkeWorld diet. I may not follow her suggestions but she has complete control.

I hereby announce the appointment of John Cowart as Official Dog Catcher. John, I don't know what you'll do here in WilkeWorld, but I do have a couple of curs that live out by the moat that need catching. Good luck. Oh, and as far as salary, I will leave that up to the Queen, she always tracks the checkbook.

I hereby announce the appointment of Anita as WilkeWorld Press Secretary. The attention we have been garnering here in WilkeWorld has been wholly underwhelming. I sure hope this appointment will rejuvinate things.

I hereby announce the appointment of the brother-in-law as Evil Half-wit. I thought Evil Genius was a bit of a presumption on his part but his credentials are impeccable in this appointment and he has already prompted the ire of the queen, so well done and en garde.

I guess that does it. I am thankful for the willingness to embarrass yourselves here due to my total buffoonery. It is appreciated. I will be announcing other appointments as they make themselves known. Please feel free to nominate yourselves.


Blogger Shaleen said...

I must say that I am most humbled and honored by the appointment with which you've so benevolently bestowed upon me. *takes a deep bow* ^_^ You've set me an important task and I shall fulfill it to the best of my ability. Thank you. : )

10:03 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

While I was at the Y today, I realized that we do not have a librarian, and I think it's necessary that someone take this position to tell people to 'be quiet' as it's needed.

Oh, and here is your rubberband. 0

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arf! Arf! Sire.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arf! Arf! Sire.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fall of the Evil Genius sounds like it should be an epic in iambic pentameter.

Or, you know, a haiku.

(Totally teasing, of course, since I don't actually KNOW the EG-candidate.)

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the honor of serving as the Prime Minister of WilkeWorld. My first order of business will not be to have everyone refer to me as Optimus Prime. The transformers were so cool.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Cool Dad said...

MissMeliss--you know the Evil Half-wit. He's every guy you never wanted to date.

Shaleen--I checked out your site. I hope it pays dividends.

BSTS--I like mums and asters. Maybe we could get some Japanese Maples as well.

Indy--Rubberband is much appreciated.

John--They are still pooping in my mums and asters.

Travis--I like Mags for your nickname.

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get Mrs. Thatcher out of your mind. I am more like Winston Churchill. So call me either Winston or Optimus. But not Mags, Margret, Maggie, or anything of the like. Or I shall use my authority to overtake WilkeWorld.

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O powerful King, things don't look good for the kingdom. The only thing that might save the kingdom is the evil half wit hasn't been able to mount any plan. The queen is looking at herself in the mirror, that will keep her busy for days. Again I urge you to look at the prime minister. His plans are becoming more apparent. Either he has a master plan to over throw you, or he is waiting for you to self destruct. The only good thing about it, is he is so vocale about his intentions you should be able to tell rather soon.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I'll be there ... but how about some lemonade and cookies instead?

10:52 AM  
Blogger kmsqrd said...

Oh, I'll bring the berries and whipped cream. It's my sworn duty as Minority Whip.

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I missed all this crowning. Guess I'll just be a peasant in the background if that's okay! What fun! Don't tax me!

7:22 AM  
Blogger Marie said...

I am honored! I've been out of town, with only dial-up access, so my blog-reading has been terribly limited. I shall take my duties seriously and will set up my first 1:1 with the Wizard...

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Searching for information in reguards to any new lemon laws on north carolina lemon law and read your site. Not

exactly what I needed but it drew my attention. Many people get into trouble with north carolina lemon law and the new laws may not help

them the way they expect. Anyway thanks for the read.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea how many sites i'd find on this subject. Seems a little odd but i'm glad. here's mine -> ventless fireplace

2:26 AM  

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